Become travels London this summer!

London Underground Advertising

Earlier this week, we launched our first-ever advertising campaign across London underground stations! We'd like to think that our ads perfectly encapsulate our company ethos – to be bold and confident – we hope you agree?

We know that travelling in the summer, particularly on the underground, can be terribly hot and sticky. What better place to offer our customers a bit of light relief in the shape of our heat-busting underwear?   

If you'd like to get involved in the campaign, you can! Just take a selfie with one of our ads, then re-post to your social media and tag us in on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram channels. The first 10 people to do so will get a FREE Become™ Anti-Flush Vest. We look forward to seeing your pics! 



  • I am on holiday in New York and I have never been so embarrassed. I am sweating as if someone has pored a bucket of water over me. It started to absolutely pour down with rain and my husband wanted to get on the subway. I made him walk for miles because I felt so comfortable soaking wet and not having to hide myself or feel ashamed. Help is needed for these hot flushes, I don’t know why they call them that, it should be glowing whilst soaking wet embarrassing yourself and your other half too.

    Posted by Angela | August 07, 2018
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