What Age Does the Menopause begin and How Long Does it Last?

what age does the menopause begin?

The menopause is different for every single woman, so it is really important to respect your journey as your own experience and not to be compared to others.

On average, the menopause usually occurs around the age of 45 to 55. The perimenopause phase can last anywhere between a few months, where the menopause and postmenopause phase happens quickly, and for others, perimenopause can last for several years, with an average of a three year span to move into the menopause and postmenopause phase.

This is why it is so important to respect your own body’s transition time, as it is unique to your body and fairly unpredictable as to how long it will last. Sometimes the perimenopausal phase can occur for women as young as 40, which is more likely to occur if there has been any prior ongoing reproductive and/or hormonal health issues.

If you need further support and guidance for the menopause, make an appointment to have a discussion with your doctor


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