What are the Symptoms of the Menopause?

what are the symptoms of the menopause

It is very normal, natural and necessary to experience changes within your body whilst it journeys from perimenopause, through the menopause and into postmenopause. Depending on lifestyle and the condition of health, physical symptoms will vary in intensity and frequency, whilst adjusting to producing lower oestrogen levels, in the perimenopause and menopause, the most common symptoms are:

Irregular or no periods

Disturbed sleep patterns

Night sweats

Hot flushes

Brain fog

Memory loss

Reduced libido

General fatigue

Joint pain

Breast soreness

Vaginal dryness

Weight changes

Dry, itchy skin

Thinning hair

As well as the physical symptoms, there will also be emotional symptoms, such as feelings of anxiety, depression, mood swings and short temperament. All of the changes, whether it be physical or emotional, calls for us to connect to our body’s needs and provide supportive self care as much as possible.

If you need further support and guidance for the menopause symptoms, make an appointment to have a discussion with your doctor


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