Tips to Beat the January Blues

Blue Monday falls on the third Monday in January, and has been dubbed the 'most depressing day of the year'. After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it's natural to feel a little down at this time of the year. January, the month of colder weather, darker days and (possibly) failing in our New Year’s resolutions collide to create the “January Blues”. Typically, January Blues manifest as feelings of low mood, sadness, lack of motivation, and tiredness. It is also the peak season for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
If you're going through (peri) menopause, this time of year may feel especially challenging as mental health issues including depression and anxiety can be heightened. We’re sharing some tips to help beat the blues.
Understand that This is Normal
There are biological reasons why many people feel low and lack energy during January and there is nothing ‘wrong’ with having these feelings. Many people will be going through the same or similar feelings. Understanding that it is a natural response and recognizing that you are not alone in these feelings may be helpful. Staying connected to friends and family feeling the same may help us to feel more supported by each other.
Let the Sun Shine In
Not getting enough sunlight and Vitamin D, has been shown to decrease our happiness and leaves us feeling down in the dumps. The sunlight can make you feel better and also help to regulate your sleep cycles properly. Instead of scrolling first thing in the morning, try to get some sunlight directly on your face. Exposure to natural light increases the level of serotonin in the brain, which is associated with improved mood.
Move More
Exercise can act like a “chill pill” so it’s very important to keep moving during menopause. Research shows that exercise releases endorphins which gives your body a positive feeling of happiness. . Moving for 20-30 minutes can help bring them back down to more manageable levels. So make sure to move– whether it’s a walk, a quick session on a work out app, a lunchtime walk, or even a quick dance break.
Rethink the Resolutions
This time of year can bring pressure to change. To make resolutions. To re-write the wrong. To be a new you. We’re here to give you an alternative mindset this year with two things: setting intentions over resolutions, adding in a few positive micro habits, and thinking about what we’re saying “NO” to this year.
Nourish Your Body
It is normal for us to want more comfort foods during the cold months of winter. Try to balance your craving for carbohydrates, such as pasta and potatoes, with plenty of fresh vegetables healthy fats like avocados and extra protein to build strength.
Prioritize Sleep
Poor sleep can have a negative impact on your mental health and lead to you feeling irritable, anxious and worried. Drawn-out dark evenings that can make it hard to switch-off, so try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time to make it easier for your body to recognise when it’s time for bed. Limiting the alcohol and screen time in the evenings to let your brain switch off can also improve the quality of your sleep. And if hot flashes and night sweats, wearing the right sleepwear can help. Anti-Flush™ nightwear can also help with hot flushes and night sweats.

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The festive season is a time for joy and connection, but it can also disrupt routines and feel overwhelming, particularly during (peri)menopause. ...
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